by Fraire Nyale – Social Worker

Emily Wahuda Mwango is 12 years old and lives with her family at Ndonya village in Mtepeni ward. She is the 7th born in a family of eight children. She has seven siblings namely; Pendo, Kelvin, Emmanuel, Eunice, Martha, Sharlet & Pauline Mwango. The family is headed by Alphonce Mwango Kai (the father) and Rehema Kenga Joseph (the mother). Emily’s father is aged 57 years and is the breadwinner in the family. He does carpentry work which is his trade and farming to sustain the family. Rehema, her mother brings in extra money for the family working at other people’s shamba but it is very little.

Emily is currently in Grade five at SBM School. She is now the trending girl at SBM School as her name is now featured on the list of Spirit award champions. The award comprised a number of items including: School shoes, shoe polish, shoe brush, socks, bag, and one revision material (encyclopaedia) and Kenya shillings 10,000.

Out of 331 students at SBM School, Emily has different qualities that made her grab the award. Just to mention, they include but not limited to: being a disciplined girl, an academic giant, has good rapport with teachers and other pupils, is active in co curriculum activities like sports and music, she is a role model to other learners, she is always social, always punctual when performing tasks and generous in helping others academically. Emily aspires to be a primary school teacher when she grows up.

Emily is happy to have received the award, she was shocked at first but now is revelling in being the Spirit of SBM School 2023. Apart from the gifts and money she received, the accolade of receiving The Spirit of SBM award means so much to Emily and we know she will continue to be a shining example of how a pupil at our school should behave.

Asante Sana to Eileen Fray for continuing to sponsor the Spirit of SBM School, we are very grateful for the on-going support for our prestigious award. As always it was a pleasure to have Father Gabriel Dolan and Nico Mbuya attend our ceremony and we thank them for all the support and guidance they give to both SBM School & The GLO.

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